Checkmate Tv
Intake & Assessment
Contact Details
For every dollar you spend with Checkmate TV, which operates under the umbrella of Checkmate Community, a non-profit organization, a percentage goes directly to our program that teaches kids impacted by the incarceration of family members how to become young entrepreneurs. We provide them with the skills and resources to start their own t-shirt business. Your contribution helps fund the equipment and supplies needed for their training, empowering them to create a brighter future.
Introducing Checkmate TV, the ultimate solution to cutting the cord on expensive cable and satellite bills. Our Custom Streaming Video Player App provides access to over 5,000+ Live HD TV Channels, Live Premium Sports Channels, Children’s, News & Premium Channels, International streams, and much more on any device, anywhere, anytime, at a lower price. Say goodbye to cable and satellite bills and hello to Checkmate TV.
Phone: 817-989-9509
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